
Tuesday, October 2, 2007

The Ingredients in a Rave Pill

Each Rave capsule contains:

Free Form Amino Acids 180 mg
Caffeine 100 m
Kava extract 90 mg
Citrus aurantium extract 30 mg
Pyridoxine HCL 15 mg
Riboflavin 3 mg
Encapsulating aids q. s.

Here's a look into how some of the major ingredients in Rave help in giving its effects:

Free Form Amino Acids: Free form amino acids are vital for certain functions of the human body. These acids are easily digested & aid in repair, growth and development of muscle tissue. The body, through assimilation of these acids, produces over 50,000 proteins and over 15,000 enzymes. These acids play a key role in normalizing moods, concentration, aggression, attention, sleep, and sex drive. In Rave, these free form amino acids are formulated to give you maximum energy & also in preventing any 'come down effects' that are often experienced with other pills.

Caffeine: Caffeine works as a stimulant to the central nervous and metabolic system. In Rave, it helps reduce physical fatigue and restore mental alertness when unusual weakness or drowsiness occurs. The concentration of caffeine in Rave helps stimulate the CNS that results in increased alertness and wakefulness, faster and clearer flow of thought, increased focus and better general body coordination.

Kava Extract: The kava extract in Rave causes a mix of sensations like slight tongue and lip numbing caused by the contraction of the blood vessels, a general talkative and euphoric behavior, calming effects, a sense of well-being, clear thinking and total relaxation of the muscles, peacefulness and contentment, more sociable, especially with the right company.

Citrus aurantium extract: The Citrus aurantium extract is the extract of bitter orange (and bitter orange peel) that aids in fat loss and works as an appetite suppressant. Bitter orange contains synephrine, an element similar to ephedrine. This elements present in the orange acts as a stimulant in Rave which increases the rate of metabolism in your body thus giving you the energy to dance all night long without ever getting tired.

Dosage for Rave: To experience the best effects, take 1-2 capsules of Rave with a large glass of water or juice. While on Rave continue to hydrate constantly at regular intervals.
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